So I came across this article on Face Book about Oil Pulling and found myself clicking on the link to see what it was all about. I became enthralled by the concept of it, as I continued to read about how it was an ancient ritual - an Ayurvedic remedy for oral health. Ayurvedic??? I had no idea what this was and decided to investigate it. Come to find out it's a "5,000-year-old system of natural healing that derived from India, but both Chinese and Tibetan Medicine have roots in Ayurveda." Even the Greeks embrace many of their concepts. Ayurveda is basically a "science-of life" "(Ayur meaning Life, Veda meaning Science or knowledge). It's a Hindu system of medicine which is based on the idea of the balance of bodily systems." Oral health? I'm totally into that, especially ever since I watched an episode of The View when Joy Behar talked adamantly about how she flossed everyday because it could save your life, and how oral hygiene (if kept up) was the cure of many illnesses. This oil pulling is supposed to pull "harmful bacteria, fungus, and other organisms out of the mouth, teeth, gums and even throat." It sounds like a no-brainer, right? I should try it. We should all try it. What do we have to lose? But wait ... what exactly does it entail? It says you must put a table spoon of organic coconut or sesame oil in your mouth and swish it around for 20 minutes. I chose to use coconut oil as I've read about it's many benefits.
20 minutes? Wow! That is a long time. 20 minutes, huh? Okay no problem. I'll just figure out a way to do other things while I'm swishing to keep my mind off of the fact that I am indeed swishing. One very important thing I read NOT TO DO is swallow any of the oil because it's basically all the bad bacteria in your mouth that you are trying to get rid of. The last thing you want to do is swallow the nastiness you are swishing because it would totally defeat the purpose of drawing the bad bacteria/energy etc... out of your body. I want to try it, so I decide to jump into the pool of oil pulling 101 to find out if it actually works. I tell Richelle and Hubby about it to try to get them on board so I am not alone in this quest for a natural, oral hygiene that has many health benefits. Neither seems interested for now - so I'm on my own. I wake up the next morning and take a spoonful of organic coconut oil and put it in my mouth.
I set my phone alarm for twenty minutes and hope for the best.
This already isn't fun. It's like I just put a glob of mud in my mouth (but it tastes better). I begin to kind of chew it while I'm waiting for it to liquify, so it's easier to swish, and at the same time I'm trying very hard not to swallow any of it.
I'm swishing. I look at my phone. It's flashes 30 seconds. It's only been 30 seconds? Swish, swish, swish. Then only one minute and forty-five seconds. Swish, swish, swish - and I have to do this for 20 minutes? Oh boy! This is not going to be easy. I'm already dreading it. Finally, I get the oil to melt in my mouth making it much easier to swish. I head downstairs to let the dogs out and hang out in the backyard with them for a while and pull a few weeds. The hardest part is trying not to swallow it. I walk back into the house and begin to unload the dishwasher and then fold some laundry. Hubby walks in and starts talking to me and I motion with my hands that I cannot talk. Then my phone alarm goes off. Thank goodness it's time to spit. Oh wait! I read not to spit it out in the sink as it is an oil and will clog it up. So I lean over the trash can and spit. I can't get it out fast enough. Then I rinse with warm water and a sense of pride washes over me that I actually accomplished it. I begin to think, "hey that wasn't so bad, I can do this once a day."
Day three and I find the worst part about this whole thing is chewing the oil to get it from a solid to a liquid. I do some research and find out that I can melt it in the microwave before swishing it. Oh thank God! What a dummy I am that I didn't think to do this earlier. Tomorrow will be a whole new day.
Day four arrives and I excitedly melt the oil in a glass dish in the microwave for about 10 seconds then stir it up to make sure it's all liquified. It comes out perfectly melted and just the right temperature.
This is so much easier and takes the angst out of having to swish. After 1 week, I have already noticed a difference with my mouth. 1.) less plaque - I can really tell because I use a dental pick to get rid of it between my teeth and it is considerably less. 2.) my breath is better (not that I had bad breath before, but it's different: cleaner). I tell hubby about this revelation so he decides to jump on the bandwagon with me. Next thing you know, we are both swishing in the morning. It becomes a nice little ritual. I find myself enjoying the quiet moment we share for twenty minutes - it's like a form of meditation. I love how he communicates by writing things down on a notepad and holding them up. After about five days, Hubby says he notices a difference too. His breath is fresher and he feels better over all - like he has more energy. So far this thing is working for us. It's not even a big deal anymore and twenty minutes is nothing - it flies by so fast. We found that doing this first thing in the morning works best for us; even before brushing our teeth or taking that first sip of water. Looks like we are sold on the idea of oil pulling and will keep doing it as long as it continues to provide us with positive results.
"Other possible benefits of oil pulling for oral health include:
• Overall strengthening of the teeth and gums and jaws• Prevention of diseases of the gums and mouth, such as cavities and gingivitis
• Prevention for bad breath
• Potential holistic remedy for bleeding gums
• Prevention of dryness of the lips, mouth and throat
• Possible holistic treatment for TMJ and general soreness in the jaw area
• Migraine headache relief
• Correcting hormone imbalances
• Reducing inflammation of arthritis
• May help with gastro-enteritis
• Aids in the reduction of eczema
• May reduce symptoms of bronchitis
• Helps support normal kidney function
• May help reduce sinus congestion
• Some people report improved vision
• Helps reduce insomnia
• Reduced hangover after alcohol consumption
• Aids in reducing pain
• Reduces the symptoms of allergies
• Helps detoxify the body of harmful metals and organisms"
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