Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Falling Off The Chuck Wagon

Ok, it was bound to happen sooner or later because we're only human after all… the sista wives fell off the chuck wagon. Yep, it sucks but it happened - and in order to be honest about our progress, we must divulge that we cheated on our diet and here's the ugly truth: It wasn't just one cheat day but an entire week (7 days) - Gasp!!!  Are you ready for an explanation? Well, here goes... it was SXSW (South by Southwest) which is a set of film, interactive and music festivals that take place every spring in March. We were doing so well - we actually made it the whole month of February up until March 12th (our first SXSW party) and then we caved.  That night it all went down hill, or shall we say down the hatch, turning into a non-stop drink and food fest. It’s basically impossible to go out to parties and venues every night, hang with your friends, and listen to incredible bands from all over the world and NOT cheat unless you are super human, right? And we've already established that we are NOT as much as we’d like to think so.  We aren't gonna lie it was a BLAST; but, after seven days of cheating, we’re definitely ready to get back on track because our bodies do feel differently when we eat bad food versus good. We haven’t weighed ourselves since starting the diet for the mere fact that we don’t want to get discouraged just yet. However, we've noticed that on top of feeling better and having more energy we’ve actually lost inches around our waist and our clothes fit a bit looser which is enough to keep us motivated. We know it’s not going to happen overnight (especially after a set back like the one we just had) because hey, we aren’t spring chickens anymore. Let’s just say we’re more like hens that are plump, flavorful and juicy. We’ve been around longer, but we can still strut our stuffing – hahahaha.  So don’t fly our blog just yet… give us a chance to lay our goal(den) egg.

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